Saturday, February 16, 2013


It’s been 2 days since my last blog- my first break from daily writing since I began JOY IN THE CITY nearly 2 weeks ago. I’ve had 2 non stop days and I felt like it was worth it to take a bit of time away from writing in order to rest the muscle.

Valentine’s Day was incredibly meaningful this year. I’m not a person who is nuts about holidays in general.  But as I’ve grown older, I understand that the reason holidays always “feel” different is because on holidays we are tapped in to the one-ness of thought in a unique way. That “buzz” that’s in the air that either depresses or excites people is the energy of many people sharing a thought. It seems obvious but it is a quite powerful realization if you consider the power of collective thought. On holidays we have a chance to change our thinking in a powerful way. If you link into the thoughts of others and remain united in an intention, consciousness can be changed on a deep level. Now of course, every day we tap into collective thought; that’s what civilization and all our “rules” are about. But what if you could choose the rules?

Ok. If I’ve lost you let me talk about One Billion Rising. It was a day of events that took place all over the world to rise up against violence toward women and girls organized by Eve Ensler and V-Day. Women everywhere marched, protested, sat in, sang, danced and spoke out against the violence. It was a day where an individual could link in to a collective idea, multiply her/his power, and make a huge statement for the world to hear.  And it was on Valentine’s day. A day that is depressing for multitudes of people.

I did something this year that I had never done. After a long morning of work, I met with my friend Kristin (see blog entry “Give a Little Bit”) to do FREE HUGS in Union Square. That’s right. I stood with a sign, along with 3 other people, offering hugs to anyone who needed or wanted one. Is that crazy? A bit. But why? Why is it crazy to take a moment to give love to people (strangers) that you typically ignore?

When I got there in the late afternoon I was so tired from a long morning of work. Kristin and the others had already been there for hours. I almost decided to just sit on the steps and watch. But I realized that it was important to take this moment where many people’s minds are on the “same” thing (a holiday) and contribute to the thinking. If Valentine’s Day reminds you of how lonely you are, maybe I can add something to your thinking by giving you a hug to remind you that you aren’t alone. I took one of the FREE HUGS signs Kristin had bought, decorated it a bit, and held it out in front of me with a smile.

It was a miraculous occurrence. Many many people came over to share a hug. One woman came over and the words, “I’ve been waiting for you” somehow came out of my mouth as we hugged. Her eyes were filled with tears as she said, “I've been waiting for you. I needed that.”  I hugged teenagers, old people, middle aged people, men and women, singles ad couples for nearly 2 hours. IT FELT WONDERFUL!!!!  

Then off I went to one of my favorite places in a Brooklyn, Sacred Studio, in Bed-Stuy. I mostly take hot yoga there, but I recently also began to take dance class and pilates (see blog entry “Girl You are a Hot Mess!”). The dance class Shake Your Soul has become a part of my weekly movement and self love routine that can’t be missed. On Valentine’s Day my beloved Shake Your Soul class was doing a special One Billion Rising extended class. Wasn't I stoked to find that I didn't have to miss my class to go to the main One Billion Rising party that was happening in Manhattan? I just love it when seemingly separate parts of my life come together!!

It was nearly 3 hours of dancing non-stop (I did take a break when I stopped feeling my feet once) with 4 different instructors of different dances that awaken and celebrate the feminine. 20 or so women with a gang of little girls coming in and out (requesting songs and even leading dances! So cute and badass!!) dancing their hearts out! Can you imagine the energy in that room??

Then at the end of the night we learned the “Break The Chain” dance that was choreographed by Debbie Allen for One Billion Rising. I've never in my life felt so empowered or had so much fun learning a dance. We also did the circle of healing for women who have been victimized by violence in any way (and that includes even if you know someone who has been victimized). I cried and laughed and hugged many women. I was so full of this great big thought, this grand but simple idea that we can live in a world where violence against women and girls is no longer accepted. I thought of a classmate of mine from high school who had been killed by an angry boyfriend. In her name, I prayed that what happened to her may not ever be tolerated again. I took a moment to tell her, wherever her spirit is, that she was loved.

I went home completely wiped out, but utterly full of the collective thought and love of so many people that I shared meaningful time with that day. Though I've hardly celebrated it in my life in the traditional way, Valentine’s Day is a symbol of a bigger love truly exists in the world. If we give it (love) more attention everyday then maybe some of our “rules” about what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable can be altered in a significant way.

The next day, my “real” Valentine came back to the states from France after being away for 2 weeks. Now it’s the weekend and I’m with my man feeling like it’s time for love.

But then again, isn't it always time for love? What do you think?   

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