Sunday, April 21, 2013

Joyful Reading: 7 Books That Will Inspire You, Make You Laugh, Think, and Smooth Out The Ride

I am in a time of thinking less and feeling more so I don’t have any brilliant realizations to share with you, per se.

I always go through moments where different modes of processing come to the fore- either a more cognitive mode where I am able to articulate easily and can clearly see various mechanisms at play; or a more nebulous feeling mode where everything is more experiential and I have few words for what is happening. But through it all reading is always with me. No matter what mode I am functioning in, reading the words of others helps me to make sense of the world.

Having said that, I’d like to share with you a list of some books that have recently provided me clarity, humor, and that have walked alongside me as good companions for the brain and the heart.

1.     Friendfluence: The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us Who We Are by Carlin Flora. I just finished this book a few days ago. It opened my eyes to the role friends play in life choices and also our overall happiness. If you knew the facts, you would thank your friends more. An amazing read.

2.     Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me and Other Concerns by the tremendously funny, Mindy Kaling. If you’re looking for a deep read, this book is not it. It is shallow by all counts. And hysterically funny. Mindy Kaling does not apologize for some superficial elements of her personality and does not change her values to seem cool. Because of this, she is unintentionally inspiring. What a great surprise. Loved it.

3.     On Beauty by Zadie Smith. Ok. I know this book is alnost 10 years old. I also know that Zadie Smith’s newest novel, NW, was just published this year. Hold your horses. I’ll talk about NW next, but I have to talk about On Beauty first. This book is so thrilling and refreshing. If you have ever thought about how we culturally deal with beauty, read this book. It’s not cerebral and does not contain any overt commentary, thankfully. It is a wildly funny, smartly written, bold as brass tale that deals with academia, family, infedility, friendship, enemy-ship and -in the most suble way- the ever so elusive, beauty. I love this writer. Which is why I’ll talk about:

4.     NW by Zadie Smith. Ok ummm…This book is unlike anything I have ever read. If you want to really get sucked into character and watch an amazing writer do jazz, pick this up and prepare to salivate. This book entrances you and you just can’t stop. The characters are not pretty and so it is cathartic in the true Greek sense.

5.     Outliers-Stories of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. Though I’m a fan of all of Gladwell’s books, I have to talk about this one because it is the latest. This book completely knocked my socks off and opened my eyes to the different dimensions of success. We don’t often hear about the story behind the success story in a multi-layered way that includes loads of research about why success happens for some and not for others. It’s kind of the true story behind the success story. Not to mention the fact that Gladwell writes with so much humor and heart that you can’t help but be inspired to open up a little wider and live a bit deeper.

6.     The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. This book, along with the next one on this list, is one that I haven’t read yet. I am beginning it today. Book lists never include books that the person composing the list is just excited about reading! I’ll give you a synopsis of it: The writer embarks on a year exploring the notion of happiness. Here is a blurb from the website: The Happiness Project synthesizes the wisdom of the ages with current scientific research, as Rubin brings readers along on her year to greater happiness.  Anyone want to read it with me? I’m so excited to crack it open!

7.    Focus: Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for Success and Influence by Heidi Grant Halvorson. This book explores the different ways that people get motivated. Have you ever wondered why optimism and an upbeat personailty help to get some people motivated but not others or why can’t you just make yourself do the things you want to do? This book, based in scientific research, explores all the different dimensions of how we get motivated. I’ll be cracking this one open right after I finish The Happiness Project. I’ll let you know how it goes!

And there you have it. 7 books that are sure to open to your heart and mind and get your juices flowing!

One thing about living in the city is the abundance of time that I spend on public transportation. This allows for massive amounts of reading. Also when lots is going on and you need to process, reading a well written book is a great way to disconnect from your normal train of thought and get inspired by someone else’s insight and artistry.

I do love a good book. Here’s to your joy!

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